The Hex Pattern atop Saturn

Besides just being a stunning picture, this image content is far from the results of some wind storm. The image was imported into ACAD and graphically analyzed.  The first step was to find the center of the hexagon. It probably would be helpful if you read the www.mathematical-magnetism.blogspot effort first, as it deals with the mathematical input.

Right at the beginning it needs to be understood that this paper in no way condones that this was created by aliens or God…just a simple force we don’t pay enough attention to. This blog is created in parallel with an analysis of the 2000 Epoch astronomical data which uses similar arguments.

One can see that the inner circular streaks are a little easier to capture when viewed in an enlarged image.  Several three-point circle steps were used to capture approximate centers and then the centers of those circles used in a second layer of three-point circle identifiers to finally come up with a center that seemed to represent the bulk of the important aspects of the image.

Note in the image below that the corners of the hexagon are rounded so some method needed to be developed to find the center of the curvature.  Again, the three-point function was used to draw circles on the corners to initially find the approximate center for the corners of the hexagon.

Fortunately, ACAD has a hex creation function whereby you set the center of the hex at the previously found center of the image and draw out a hexagon to the furthest dark blue in the image at each of six locations.  One can see after several refinement tries that all six points with the identical radius simultaneously reach the edge. This indicates the hexagon is much more precise than first examination suggests.

From the articles on the NASA websites, the diameter of the hexagon was thought to be 14,500 kilometers. Therefore, an approximate scale could be developed for measuring other aspects of the image.  The hope was that some system would unfold that verified that the pattern resulted from some physical force that routinely creates such a pattern.

Analysis of other naturally created hexagons, the units of feet were more successful. Therefore, the 9000 miles was converted to 47,520,000 and the natural logarithm taken of that to get 17.67666123 which is not that far from middle A= 440 cps x 4 / 100 or 440 /25.  After dividing the 17.67… by 2^(10) and multiplying by 10^(2), the number 1.726236448 was developed which set off alarms since that is close to product of the most abundant hydrogen wavelengths times the hyperfine frequency of 1.42040575177 at 1.726745895.  But that would make the diagonal almost 9050 miles which seemed too big of error.

The most abundant hydrogen wavelengths are 1.215668 and 1.215674 to average at 1.215671 and for helium 0.303780 which multiplied by 4 to make it average with hydrogen gives about 1.215394 and that times the hyperfine gives the diagonal at 9010.942652 which seemed within a reasonable value of the estimate. In order for this or any scale factor to be acceptable, some far more elaborate mathematical model must confirm it. From the the sum of the second most abundant helium and hydrogen wavelengths were found. For now, it yields some reasonable value to start drawing other features.

When using ACAD to draw the hexagon, one starts with the center but the hex must be rotated to find the most distant portion of the curvature thru the centers of the curvature circles. So, the three-point function was used to draw red and yellow circles so the hex could be rotated to pass thru the center of each circle. These circles are labeled counterclockwise from the bottom left one, two…six.

A standard regular polygon yields little opportunity for dimensionless analysis unless something like these circles can develop something from their dimensionless ratio of radii.  The radii were imported into Excel and using a double array vertical on the left and horizontal on top, the dimensionless ratios can all be easily printed. The color-coded value and formulae are what the Mathcad Model used. In column E from 22 to 26, these values are almost a perfectly straight line indicating some type of relationship between them.


The reason column D is so perfect a calculation of the hydrogen hyperfine frequency is because D24 was modified slightly to make it that way. None of the other values were changed from their original input by “eyeball” on a very imprecise three-point selection. One can see that D24 obvious impacts E24 but nothing was done to try and make the blue sum(e22:e26) something better because that would then make the column D items different.  One can see the blue E sum is very close already to 1.718281828, that being natural log base fraction sum.

The red value is near the Planck/pi-like value also based on 1.718281828 and nothing to do with any measured values including pi. The dark green is very near 1.71875 and the light blue 299,792,458 for the speed of light covered on other blogs. Even though these numbers are really close to known values, they are all the results of imprecise input from the three-point circle function.  We will need to prove they are all related in some type of overall mathematical model.

In the fairly hard to read image below from the Mathcad Model, one can copy the image and blow it up in paint or some photo editing software and read the fine print. The original data from the spreadsheet above is in bold black at top right. The formulae are straight out of the Excel spreadsheet above and easier to understand in Mathcad terminology.

The top portion is what the output delivers when resubstituted into the assignment equations.  The highlighted yellow is what the formula was commanded in the cyan given section. The 14.2040575188 number is a pure model number and nothing to do with current measures of the hydrogen hyperfine frequency of 14.2040575177. It is covered on another blog.

The reader must keep in focus the size of this image on top of Saturn….some 9000 miles across. In my mind, there is no conceivable reason aliens or God would or even could create this precise image.  It is theorized on my blogs that this is done thru the yet to be studied capabilities of “bowl-shaped magnetic fields” created on planets and stars.  This will be covered on the blog regarding the studies of David LaPoint in .

Jim Branson

Retired Professional Engineering Manager

Knowhow at ctcweb dot net







